I'm so excited today....it was testimony sunday in my church early on and I was given the chance to bear mt testimony in front of the congregation, so was every member even though I didn't do that today so I decided to post it on here : "I'm thankful for my life, I'm really grateful for how far the Good Lord has brought me. At first during sunday mornings I'll just sleep until it was 10am then watch tv afterwards until the day ends but now its different I get to wake up early in the morning on sundays and I get so much excited about going to church. There's a change and this change is good, it has brought me so many blessings in my life. Even from how I relate to people to how I treat and talk to them. I've learned to cultivate the spirit of forgiveness plus I've learned how to pray and read my scriptures. I'm grateful to God for bringing these special people in my life (church members)......I'm thankful for the lives of my two missionaries...