I'm so excited today....it was testimony sunday in my church early on and I was given the chance to bear mt testimony in front of the congregation, so was every member even though I didn't do that today so I decided to post it on here : "I'm thankful for my life, I'm really grateful for how far the Good Lord has brought me. At first during sunday mornings I'll just sleep until it was 10am then watch tv afterwards until the day ends but now its different I get to wake up early in the morning on sundays and I get so much excited about going to church. There's a change and this change is good, it has brought me so many blessings in my life. Even from how I relate to people to how I treat and talk to them. I've learned to cultivate the spirit of forgiveness plus I've learned how to pray and read my scriptures. I'm grateful to God for bringing these special people in my life (church members)......I'm thankful for the lives of my two missionaries Elder Reid and Elder Merrill for teaching me so many things about Jesus Christ, the scriptures, guiding my steps and bringing me to the truth through the help of the Holy Ghost. I love them and I'll always remember them. I'm thankful for this day and super excited too!!!!! I love the teachings of my church and I love my church......I love every member in the church. I love my missionaries Elder Reid and Elder Merrill not forgetting Elder Batusti and Elder Helgesen.I'm proud to be a Mormon.....Change is good and it can bring so much blessings into your life!!!!! I know everything that I've shared with you is true in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!
Hi guys It has been a while and I just came here to tell you that I am finally 28 yaaaay! Okay hold up I didn’t come here to simply say that. I’m sorry I left you all in the dark but I’m back. Are you still mad? Come on!!!! Okay. How have I been? I’ve been good but my mirror says otherwise. Well if we are keeping this page a judgement free zone, at this point I can genuinely say I don't have the foggiest idea. I quit thinking about how I should feel, taking the path of least resistance has been the new me. I pass by the mindset of "goodness this individual did this to me, I deserve that". If you ask me what I’m living for me now, I’ll tell you I’m living for my mother. I’ve stopped caring and thinking about myself and what I want. Presently I'm increasingly centered around what I should accomplish for my mom before I pass on, or she bites the dust. I need that woman to be proud of me and be fulfilled before I drop dead. I realize that is miserable and it makes me ...
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