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Showing posts from October, 2015


Getting on top is easy but staying there is not. I now get it. How did I go from 59kg to 78.5kg??. These past few months, all I've been doing is eating and eating all in the name of celebrating my weight loss. I lost track of my eating and everytime I tried to bounce back, i just couldn't. My taste buds won't allow me. I could literary taste noodles, fried rice or yam in my mouth even when I didn't have those food around. The taste of Coca Cola won't make me breath. And as I gave in to eating all these foods, the weight started pilling up. People I didn't even know started prompting me about it but I felt like I could control it anytime I wanted to. My face has getting bigger (something I hate). The truth was even though I knew the weight was pilling up, even though It was clear that my clothes couldn't fit me anymore, I just couldn't do anything about it. I've lost control....I kept eating anything and kept procrastinating starting a weight loss die...