Is it possible for someone to smile whilst dying inside? I've never been a believer of this until it really happened to me. Let me brief you. It started with my friend Derrick who lost the love of his life J. Everyone who knew them was very shocked to hear about their break up because they were the "it" couple. If you weren't actually feeling what my friend was feeling, you would say he's full of drama and exaggeration. Indeed my friend had the broken heart syndrome and was suffering in silence for months. Let me fast forward....a couple of months later, I made the "stupidest" mistake that cost me the love of my life too and broke my heart into a million tiny pieces They say you don't know what you have until you lose it....true talk. I ended up saying its over to the love of my life Eric and he didn't hesitate accepting it. He really accepted it even after countless times of me begging him to come back to me; there's no way I can blame him ...