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Showing posts from October, 2012
Starting week 5 today left with 2days to complete ma PV days. Yes I'm going to keep running, jumping rope and doing pilates. Hope to see my 90's and 89's soon lool the thought of that makes me soooooo excited. We all know its not an easy diet but we fighting and we will win infact we keep winning everything a pound or two drop from your weight!! Ha!!! I have this big temptation is the refrigerator (Peanuts) and I'm soooo tempted to eat that lool hope I get the strength to resist it. Hoping for the best this week!!! Keep running, Keep walking, drink a lot of water...Never Give UP!!!!! Accept failure and learn from it, but don’t accept not trying. Good Luck to all the Dukanians this week!!


4th week was tremendously tiring. Started working out, jogging, running but my pace wasn't that consistent, jumping rope and doing pilates whew!!!! Reporting for my 4th week and I've realised that the weight comes off when its my PP day and I tend to gain when I start the PV days hmmm that's confusing. I don't drink water like I used to anymore thank to Ketosis lool. Now I can really feel the symptoms in my mouth and it really mistakes drinking a lot harder for me. But in all week 4 was good still recovering from my muscle sore hahaha. Hard Work pays right???....went from 95.4kg to 93.3kg. That's a good progress I think!!! Life is What you make it...Mine Will Be Great

STARTING WEEK 4...DAY 29-35 (95.4kg / 210.3LBS)

Starting week 4 today day 29 to 35. I don't even know what to write up on here anymore. I'm soooo expecting a huge results this week because tomorrow I will start running lool Yeah u heard right my workout buddy is back in town and since I'm 22.3 pounds lighter its now or never. So let's see what week 4 has for me and maybe I'll try to get a new scale and see. Happy dieting Dukanistas!! Hope this week becomes a successful one for us all!! Never give up!!! You’re going to succeed because you’re crazy enough to think you can. And Yes We Can!!! Good Luck!!!


Wooow!!!! I was on the verge of giving up on this dukan diet thing after so much success iin the second week even had 93.1kg on the 25 day, then all of a sudden I gained wooow!!!! I gained a whooping 3.4 pounds like seriously but I was point didn't cheat or anything so what happened? Got really frustrated and I even cry....I soo wanted to give up or was it my scale??? I don't know!! But thank God I didn't give up!! Struggling to get to the 93.1kg I was but so far the weight loss has been slow. All the things that really happened on the 3rd never really made sense to me but whatever..I'm gon fight and I'm gon win this battle. So this week after hitting plateau for 2day and gaining a whooping 3.4 pounds I lost 2.2pounds this week and I'm 95.4kg now whew but the interesting thing is I keep shrinking and losing more inches than I expected!!! So in all the total weight I've lost is 22.3pounds!!! Still holding on to this diet not giving up any day anytime soon. Li...


Starting week 3 today on the dukan diet and I feel good already started at 105kg and now I'm at 95.1kg!!! I hope the pound keeps on falling like week 2 lool good feeling!!! Going to start my pv tomorrow since my rythm is 5/5!!! Oh and I'm wearing since 16 today awww being a long time I wore size 16 :'(!!! Good luck to all the Dukanians this week. May this week be fruitful to you all. Never give up If it's out of your control, why fret about it? Concentrating on things you CAN control is how you make good things happen! Don’t compare yourself to anyone. If you do, you’re insulting yourself

Ending 2nd week!!

2nd week for me on my cruise phase was very exciting and I was actually stunned to see all those pounds falling off!! 2nd week day 15-21 I lost 10.8 pounds whaaaaat!!! Very shocking and I didn't do anything extraodinary wooow!!! So rounding up the pounds I've lost so far since starting the dukan diet I've lost 22.8 pound!!! Woooow!!! I love this diet

FIRST 20.1LBS (DAY 20)

I can't stop staring at myself in the mirror and checking myself out. My body is starting to get fabulous and I'm super excited. Today I lost 20.1 pounds. Its day 20 since I started the Dukan diet and its awesome so far so good!!!! And oh I'm wearing that Dorothy Perkins size 16 capri now hahahaha I just can't believe it it feels like a dream. Its 7:50am here and I'm sooooo lively this morning I'm getting lighter and I'm sooooo proud of myself. I know I have a long way to go but I got this and we gon fight!!!! Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me the willpower. It hasn't been easy at all!!! Pictures will be coming soon!!! Either you’re going to take action and seize new opportunities or someone else will. You can’t change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it.

(WEEK 2) DAY 19

I'm sooooooooo excited I have a scale fright well if I can say that but this morning I stood on the scale and I'm getting closer to hit the 20 pounds lost Yes believe that!!! I was stunned to see that I am almost fitting in a size 16 Dorothy Perkins capri. I bought the capri last year....couldn't wear it because it wasn't fitting but didn't return it. I knew deep in my heart that someday I would be able to wear it and that someday is coming to past loool. Wish I can show the picture of the capri to you guys but the browser I'm using is not allowing me so I'll send it when I sit infront of a pc. So far soooo gooooood :D :):) Don’t worry about how slowly you feel you’re heading to your dreams, or how many roadblocks you find, or detours you need to take, you’re still cruising far ahead of everyone who’s too afraid to even tr


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Always wanted to share this: I do want to make one point however. So much of the insecurity that accompanies being overweight is rooted in our own minds. In retrospect I see this. I'm not denying that judgements are made here and there by cruel people, but I think it happens far less than it feels like it does. When you feel like you are being stared at or labeled, remember who you are. You are a beautiful person. Not only that, but you are a strong and determined individual. You are someone who is fighting a battle that so many perceive as impossible, and you are winning! In this present moment, you may not be as proud of your appearance as you would like to be, but you are actively changing that. There are few things that should fill you with more pride. So be proud!

DAY 18 (13/10/12)

Today things became very difficult for me. I had my heart broken :( poor me and I was stressed out. I felt like digging my hands into food mainly carbs to numb the pain but I coudn't. My friend Rexford helped out to release some steam and cry my eyes out and I held on to my dukan diet faith. Had a successful PP day and drank 6litres of water. While I was grieving I found something that motivated me and kept me going for today "In the heat of the moment when you feel like quitting, think about how far you can come and why you started in the first place." And its true I've come too far to let thingw break me down


Starting the Dukan diet I’ve realised sometime about my sleep patterns. At first I used to be a nocturnal, I toss around in bed and even have late night conversation on the phone up to 2am or 3am before I can rest my tired eyes and wake up around 10am-11am but things has changed now. I now go to bed as early as 9:30pm or 10pm and I wake up at 5am every other day. I’m wondering if the Dukan Diet has anything to do with how I sleep now. I really like the changes like seriously:D 2) The Exercise issue….Yes I know in the cruise phase 30mins of walking is required but I haven’t stick to this yet. I sometimes do a little bit walking here and there but I know its not enough. Here just waiting for my workout buddy Nehemia to come back home because I’ll really need his help to start an form of exercise. Moreover I’m not familiar with the hood I live in but Nehemia knows every corner of this hood.


1) 2nd day of the 2nd week on the Dukan diet and I’ve noticed the people around don’t really understand what I’m doing. They keep asking me why that much chicken, Eggs, fish? Others even added I’m going to get more fat eating those things and I can’t even explain it to them because they won’t even get. 2) About the water issues….I wasn’t much of a water drinker. I started drinking 1.5litre of water when I started the Dukand Diet but now I can even drink 8litres of water everyday. I used the water a lot because I don’t have an oat bran which is required for this diet well atleast for now. 3) The Protein….I only use chicken, Eggs, Fish and Beef. That’s the only protein available for me. Already sick of the eggs and fish but I’m really trying my best even though I don’t have much variety of foods to eat. 4) Vegetables…I only use cucumber, salad leaves, tomatoes, pepper and Onion. I also found a frozen Broccoli at Opoku Trading which is a new addition to my vegetables PS: I take my PP ...


Started cruise phase also known as phase 2 on the 3rd of october….My 1st week that is from day 8 to 14 and I lost 3lbs. 3lbs because I deviated from the diet and I opted for The Slow Carb Diet instead of focusing on the Dukan Diet. After two days on the SCD I got tired of it and went back to the Dukan diet. I can say that’s my first transgression. I went on a 2-day Pure Protein and started the cruise phase again


On 26th of Sepetember 2012, I started the attack phase of the dukan diet which is also known as the phase one. It was very tough for me. I started at 105kg (232Lbs). I tried a 7-day attack phase and I lost 9lbs on the 3rd of October… moving on to the cruise phase


On 26th of September 2012, I started a journey….a journey that was so hard to decide but I took my chances. My inner voice told me the time is now or never of course I listened to it!!! Started the Dukan diet. I still don’t have the Dukan diet book but I followed the information on other blogs… from now onward I’m going to update you about my Dukan diet Journey. I call it a journey because I know its going to be very hard and emotional process for me


On 26th of September 2012, I started a journey….a journey that was so hard to decide but I took my chances. My inner voice told me the time is now or never of course I listened to it!!! Started the Dukan diet. I still don’t have the Dukan diet book but I followed the information on other blogs… from now onward I’m going to update you about my Dukan diet Journey. I call it a journey because I know its going to be very hard and emotional process for me


On 26th of September 2012, I started a journey….a journey that was so hard to decide but I took my chances. My inner voice told me the time is now or never of course I listened to it!!! Started the Dukan diet. I still don’t have the Dukan diet book but I followed the information on other blogs… from now onward I’m going to update you about my Dukan diet Journey. I call it a journey because I know its going to be very hard and emotional process for me


On 26th of September 2012, I started a journey….a journey that was so hard to decide but I took my chances. My inner voice told me the time is now or never of course I listened to it!!! Started the Dukan diet. I still don’t have the Dukan diet book but I followed the information on other blogs… from now onward I’m going to update you about my Dukan diet Journey. I call it a journey because I know its going to be very hard and emotional process for me