Today things became very difficult for me. I had my heart broken :( poor me and I was stressed out. I felt like digging my hands into food mainly carbs to numb the pain but I coudn't. My friend Rexford helped out to release some steam and cry my eyes out and I held on to my dukan diet faith. Had a successful PP day and drank 6litres of water. While I was grieving I found something that motivated me and kept me going for today
"In the heat of the moment when you feel like
quitting, think about how far you can come and
why you started in the first place."
And its true I've come too far to let thingw break me down
Hi guys It has been a while and I just came here to tell you that I am finally 28 yaaaay! Okay hold up I didn’t come here to simply say that. I’m sorry I left you all in the dark but I’m back. Are you still mad? Come on!!!! Okay. How have I been? I’ve been good but my mirror says otherwise. Well if we are keeping this page a judgement free zone, at this point I can genuinely say I don't have the foggiest idea. I quit thinking about how I should feel, taking the path of least resistance has been the new me. I pass by the mindset of "goodness this individual did this to me, I deserve that". If you ask me what I’m living for me now, I’ll tell you I’m living for my mother. I’ve stopped caring and thinking about myself and what I want. Presently I'm increasingly centered around what I should accomplish for my mom before I pass on, or she bites the dust. I need that woman to be proud of me and be fulfilled before I drop dead. I realize that is miserable and it makes me ...
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