Look how fast time has flown. Its 2 months already woow and I'm glad I took this step to make my life a better and healthy one too. Like I always say life is what you make mine will be great and of course mine is getting better and better everyday. Yesterday I went to see my godfather at his house and everyone who saw me kept telling me how good and trim I looked. So far I've had 10 people coming up to me telling me that. Lool I should keep counting because its also an encouragement. The more they tell me how good I look the more I'm eager to go through the Dukan diet successfully. Last night Papa took a picture of me and said look how slim your thighs look hehehe it was my first time seeing Papa and I think he's really a great guy I actually loved his company. One weird thing is people keep telling me I look good but I don't even see it or feel it hmmm.....I know I should have celebrated this day with a picture but I'm still using my BB to blog so its impossible but soon you all going to see it and judge for yourself.....Keep Going
Hi guys It has been a while and I just came here to tell you that I am finally 28 yaaaay! Okay hold up I didn’t come here to simply say that. I’m sorry I left you all in the dark but I’m back. Are you still mad? Come on!!!! Okay. How have I been? I’ve been good but my mirror says otherwise. Well if we are keeping this page a judgement free zone, at this point I can genuinely say I don't have the foggiest idea. I quit thinking about how I should feel, taking the path of least resistance has been the new me. I pass by the mindset of "goodness this individual did this to me, I deserve that". If you ask me what I’m living for me now, I’ll tell you I’m living for my mother. I’ve stopped caring and thinking about myself and what I want. Presently I'm increasingly centered around what I should accomplish for my mom before I pass on, or she bites the dust. I need that woman to be proud of me and be fulfilled before I drop dead. I realize that is miserable and it makes me ...
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